Cebu to Butuan Ferry Schedule

2024 Cebu to Masao, Butuan Ferry Schedule and Fare Guide (Cokaliong)

Looking for the updated ferry schedule from Cebu City to Butuan City and vice versa? Our 2024 Cebu to Masao, Butuan Ferry Schedule and Fare Guide breaks down the timetable of ferries leaving from Cebu City to Butuan City and from Butuan City to Cebu City.
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Looking for the updated ferry schedule from Cebu City to Butuan City and vice versa? Our 2024 Cebu to Masao, Butuan Ferry Schedule and Fare Guide breaks down the timetable of ferries leaving from Cebu City to Butuan City and from Butuan City to Cebu City.

Cokaliong Shipping is the only company that serves the Cebu to Butuan route as this is a fairly new route. The most common route is Cebu to Nasipit, which is a 30-minute bus ride from Butuan City.

👉Get your Cebu to Butuan to Cebu ferry ticket!👈

In case the Cebu to Butuan schedule does not fit your schedule, take the ferry from Cebu to Nasipit. Alternatively, you may take the ferry from Cebu City to Surigao City and then take a 3-hour bus ride to Butuan City or Cebu City to Cagayan de Oro City and then take a 5-hour bus ride to Butuan City. If you’re in an emergency, you can book a direct flight from Cebu City to Butuan City.

👉Get your Cebu to Butuan to Cebu ferry ticket!👈

Cebu Ramos
An aerial shot of Cogon Ramos in downtown Cebu City

How much is the ferry from Cebu to Butuan and vice versa?

The regular economy ticket from Cebu to Butuan and vice versa costs 1,345 PHP (~24 USD). Economy class is non-aircon with no blanket provision. More comfortable accommodations are available at a higher price. Check the full rates below!

👉Get your Cebu to Butuan to Cebu ferry ticket!👈

How many hours from Cebu to Butuan?

The travel time from Cebu City to Butuan City is about 12 hours. This does not take into account the waiting at the ports and the disembarkation.

👉Get your Cebu to Butuan to Cebu ferry ticket!👈

DISCLAIMER: The schedules and rates are subject to change without prior notice. We try our best to keep the information updated. Shipping companies may also cancel trips without prior notice due to bad weather and safety reasons.

➡️2024 Cokaliong Shipping Schedule – Cebu to Masao, Butuan to Cebu

No. of Weekly Trip: 1

Port in Cebu City: Cebu Pier 1

Port in Nasipit: Masao Port

Travel Time: 12 hours

6:00 PM (Tuesday)6:00 PM (Wednesday)

👉Get your Cebu to Butuan to Cebu ferry ticket!👈

➡️2024 Cokaliong Fare – Cebu to Masao, Butuan to Cebu

Economy1,345 PHP 
Lobby1,400 PHP
Lounge (sitting)1,450 PHP
Lounge1,550 PHP
Tourist1,620 PHP
Cabin (good for 6 pax)2,000 PHP/pax
Suite for 24,800 PHP/room
Suit for 37,200 PHP/room
Suite for 49,600 PHP/room

👉Get your Cebu to Nasipit to Cebu ferry ticket!👈

Where to Stay in Cebu City

Where to Stay in Butuan City

Your Ultimate Cebu Travel Guide

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Mario Manlupig
Mario Manlupig

Mario is the Founder of CEBU INSIDER. In March 2018, he left his full-time job at the Philippines' biggest TV network and became a digital nomad, traveling all over the country until the pandemic happened. He now calls Cebu City his home.

Articles: 87

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